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wAwB wCwD wEwF wGwH wIwJ wKwL wMwN wOwP wQwR wSwT wUwV wWwX wYwZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
secured life +man & wings 16
shangri-la +horse & wings 16
shield wings & arcs 9, 34
skull & wings 32
square & wings 35
wings 30, 35
tex WOOD 2001 +lion & wings 25
wings 24
tim FADE WINGS +wings & sta 16
tli +cogwheel & wings 16
triangles snakes wings bato 42
triangles square & wings 14
ub +horse & wings 16, 30
v +lion wings & circle 12
v +lion & wings 36, 39, 41, 42
v VEEDOL +wings & circle 4
w WINGS +square & wings 35
wheel & wings 8, 23, 26
woman & wings 30
woman arrow wings & stars 41
woman snakes & wings 25
woman sun & wings 33
wining girl 25
winner cup +oval 32
APEX winner 6
CAMEL winner samos 9
HERO winner 12
NIMA winner for health 3
PROTO winner all the way 7
TOUGH winner 25
UWC UBAK winners clothing 25
YK'S winners 41
winning EDGE 35
TRAC FUJICO winning caring 42
G GELATO quality wins 25
WOCKHARDT life wins +arrows 10
W winsor +circle 14
winter FUNK 41
winter PLAYER 25
winter ZONE 25
winter care +bottle 3
winter care lotion LAKME 3
winter line SMOOTH SOFT HOT 25
AKANKSHA winter wear 25
BROTHER winter wear 25
CELEBRATE winter favourites 25
GANPATI winter wear +ovals 25
NEPTUNE winter wear 25
OK winter skins 25
SS super SELECT winter wear 25
VANI-VIJAY winter wear 25
VIP winter warmers 25
VIVEL active fair winter 3
WACHI winter wear +square 24
WB winter baby 25
WKF winter killer fabrics 25
ZOLO CLUB winter wears zc 25
new LOREN winter guard +dro 3
NEVA quilt enjoy winters 16, 23, 24, 25, 28
wipe 3
I wipe +eye 10
RECRON magic-wipe +leaf 6, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
RECRON magic-wipe ECO BLUE 10
WNG wipe n glow MAGIC MOP 21
DURAFLEX GOLD wiper blade 12
HYBRID TEFLONE wiper blades 12
NANAK wiper automobiles 35
EASY BATH wet wipes 16
KARA skincare wipes +leaf 3
KAZA wet wipes +arc 3
KRAZY LINES mosquito wipes 3, 5
MUWI multi use wipes 3
WETTIES wet wipes 3, 16
easy bath wet wipes 3
wipro IVALUE 16
wipro eco energy 7, 9, 11, 35, 37
wire mesh 37
wire-FIT 9
A.C.C. super enamelled wire 6
AASHISH electronic wire 9
ABS winding wire +triangle 9
ADEN wire & cable +lightnin 9
AGRI wire +oval 9
AJIT wire products 7
ANMOL fibre glass wire 9
ANTECH wire & cable 9
AQUAON wire & cables 9
ARROWON wire & cables +arro 9
ATLASON wire & cables 9
B.S. solder wire 6
BLACK copper wire & cables 9
BMI ANNEALED wire gauge 6
BOLTON p.v.c. wire & cables 9
BOX brand stitch wire +box 6
BWCB balaji wire n cables 35
CALLIGRA 24 wire printer 9
CORRUCARE stitching wire 6
DEWAKI stitching wire 6
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